
Hey there just quickly sharing a few photos of a dress in the color I hardly ever wear. I am looking straight to my closet and I literally have only two things including this one that are red. I love the color but for some reason it is almost none existent in my closet. What is one of the colors you love but don’t wear too often? And why? 

For me, I think the main reason why I don’t wear it is because I don’t come across it too often when I’m shopping. But I also don’t really look for it if I am honest. I am just naturally more attracted to neutrals or pastels, but I have been trying to step out of my comfort zone more and more and each time I like it more. I encourage you to do the same.

Since I started trying things out of the norm for me, I feel more confident. It’s almost like it gives you a little more empowerment or a sense of achievement and next time you were something out of the norm it is easier and more satisfying, specially if it’s something you always wanted to try but just felt like you couldn’t for one reason or another. So try it! That one thing you always wanted to and just wasn’t sure, just go for it. Be like the color red corsages and energetic! 

Red and White Polka Dot Dress
Forever 21 Dress
Santa Monica Pier
Feris Wheel
Santa Monica Pier

Outfit Details

Dress: Forever 21

Wedges:  Dollhouse  

Hat: H & M  



Other Red and White Dresses


